
Wheelchair accessible Ability Garden to officially open at Callanwolde

Courtesy Callanwolde

The Ability Garden, a unique, wheelchair-accessible garden space that serves youth and adults living with physical or cognitive disabilities, is set to officially open Nov. 14  at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center.

Trellis Horticultural Therapy Alliance and Callanwolde partnered to offer supported garden therapy programs that provide recreation, reduce social isolation, and empower through hands-on learning.

Trellis Co-Founder, Rachel Cochran, explained, “The goal of the Ability Garden is to reconnect individuals that have been typically disconnected from gardening and nature as a result of impaired mobility to experience nature and the joy of working with plants to improve quality of life” Cochran said. “The Ability Garden is a new community resource that educates on best practices to create and effectively use accessible gardens. Trellis’s goal is to make gardening more accessible for everyone.”

Thanks to a grant from the Frank Barham Foundation, donations from the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, the Paideia School and the hard work of Trellis and Callanwolde volunteers, The Ability Garden was built in one month.

Callanwolde Executive Director, Andrew Keenan, said, “We are so happy to be working with Trellis and extend our support to the community. We intend to expand this program over the next several years.”

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