The Technical Assistance Grants (TAG) program provides funding to local communities and groups of individuals (not including for-profit entities) for technical assistance relating to pipeline safety. Technical assistance is defined as engineering or other scientific analysis of pipeline safety issues. TAG funding may also be used to help promote public participation in official proceedings.
The awards have funded a broad range of activities, including:
- Improvement of local pipeline emergency response capabilities
- Improvement of safe digging programs
- Development of pipeline safety information resources
- Implementation of local land use practices that enhance pipeline safety
- Community and pipeline awareness campaigns
- Enhancements in public participation in official proceedings pertaining to pipelines
The funding can also be used to help promote public participation in official proceedings. However, the funding may not be used for lobbying, in direct support of litigation, or for activities associated with regulatory compliance or typical operations and maintenance of pipeline facilities.
Review the full Notice of Funding Opportunity: Application-Instructions_Technical-Assistance-Grant-NOFO-Final
See more in the “Related Documents” tab here:
All questions related to the content of this funding opportunity MUST be submitted via the Message Center in FedConnect. Please do not send questions via e-mail.
Dwayne Cross, Agreement Officer (AO)
Acquisition Services Division
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, E22-306 Washington, DC 20590
Phone: (202) 366-4429