
UPDATE: University System of Georgia to require students to wear masks after backlash

The University System of Georgia announced late Monday that it will require students and faculty to wear face masks in the classroom this fall after a backlash from professors, students, and parents

The USG’s original guidelines for state school re-openings only “strongly encouraged” face coverings, but didn’t require them. USG officials said it had made the decision in response to new federal health guidelines

More than 800 Georgia Tech faculty members had signed a letter to the University System of Georgia’s Board of Regents asking that face masks be made mandatory for students returning for fall semester.

The faculty letter stated: “We are alarmed to see the Board of Regents and the University System of Georgia mandating procedures that do not follow science-based evidence, increase the health risks to faculty, students, and staff, and interfere with the nimble decision-making necessary to prepare and respond to Covid-19 infection risk.

Nearly 9,000 people had signed a similar petition urging the USG to revise its guidelines on


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