
Strengthsfinder changed my life and business for the better!

Have you heard about the StrengthsFinder assessment? It’s a tool that I’ve implemented that has completely changed the way I do business. It’s really changed my life. So, if you wanna know more, watch this video. Hey guys this is Jennifer with Nest, hope you are doing well. In the spirit of why, what and how, we’re gonna to be talking a little bit about how. So, one of the things I think that’s very important to understand, way outside of real estate, I think, as a human being and as a worker, is the concept of StrengthsFinder.

So, StrengthsFinder was created, it’s called Clifton StrengthsFinder, and it was created by an educational psychologist, his name was Donald Clifton, and it is a form of positive psychology. And it is an assessment, but unlike other kinds of assessments like personality tests, there’s a lot of neuroscience behind it. It truly helps you understand to work within your talents and be in the zone and be very positive. One of the things I say all the time when I talk about StrengthFinders, in Corporate America, when I was working, I was trained and how I was trained pretty much was to work on my weaknesses.

Do those things that were hard for me to get better at it. And the concept of StrengthFinders is exactly the opposite. If you understand what you’re good at and you work inside of your talents that is the time that you’re working that you are passionate, you’re in the zone, you’re loving what you do and work is fun. And so basically what StrengthFinders is is there are basically 40, 34 talents that a person has and those talents fall into four buckets. So the buckets are influencing, relationship building, strategic and executing. So when you understand what your top five or top 10 talents are and understand what buckets they fall into, you can understand if you’re in the right job. Or let’s say you’re in a job and you’re really struggling with why something’s not jiving, it may not be one of your strengths. So, I will give an example. My strengths lead with influencing and my strengths fall in the bucket of influencing, relationship building and strategic. I have no executing so sometimes I have beat my head against the wall with why I can’t finish things the way that I could start them and I’ve learned that I can tap into one of my strengths, activator to get things done quickly and I’ve learned as I’ve grown a company to surround myself with people who have strengths in the execution bucket because they like to finish and I like to start.

As a broker, one of the things that I like to do with our agents is to really train to high communication and high emotional intelligence and I think if we have an agent who is self aware they are going to do a much better job treating their clients well and helping their clients achieve their goal. Part of the tool set we do here at Nest is if I understand what somebody leads with I am able to help, help them go into their groove. The most beautiful thing about real estate is there’s no one size fits all, there’s a lot of different models. I think a lot of people think that a real estate agent has to be this person who’s always sociable and out in a party and blah, blah, blah, and that’s not the case at all. You can be a very much of an introvert, you can be someone who is like data crunching, what have you, and if you understand what you lead with and what you’re good at you can create a business around that. And when it’s something that you lead with and you’re good at, it’s fun.

I don’t think that, you have to understand what your weaknesses are and you have to know, I call them blind spots. I don’t like the word weakness, but you don’t have to lead with them and focus on them and I know when I kind of applied this philosophy to myself and my business, I’ve even applied this philosophy in a way that we parent our child. It’s a lot easier to have a positive spin on this when it resonates, when things line up with your strengths. If you have any questions about this I would love to answer them. I am really passionate about emotional intelligence and development and just being happy in a job that you love.

And this kind of conversation goes well beyond real estate, but inside of the real estate framework, this is one of tools that we use at Nest to develop our agents. If this message resonates with you and this is something that you’re interested in, we have a series of videos about these subjects, Inside Of The Framework of Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle, Why, What And How.

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