Sandy Springs plans to seek funding from the state and Fulton County to install a HAWK pedestrian crossing on Roswell Road at the North Fulton Services Center.
The crossing would cost an estimated $790,150, and the city has enough funds for its construction, said Christine Schultz, the city’s TSPLOST project manager. It would be located between MARTA transit bus stops on either side of the road for easier passenger access.
“It’s on Roswell Road between Trowbridge and Morgan Falls, a stretch of nearly a half mile without any pedestrian crossings and a significant pedestrian and transit user use of the Fulton government annex,” Public Works Director Marty Martin said.
Schultz said the project might fit the Georgia Department of Transportation’s “Quick Response” program. That program encompasses operational projects such as restriping and intersection improvements that can be implemented in a short period of time for under $200,000. A HAWK crossing is considered an intersection improvement, she said.
“Our design consultant has identified about $170,000 in signal and signing and marketing items that can be broken out for use for this potential funding source,” she said.
A HAWK traffic control device is designed to help pedestrians safely cross higher-speed roadways at midblock crossings and uncontrolled intersections. A similar pedestrian crossing is located on Roswell Road south of Long Island Drive, she said.
“Since we have virtually no operations in the north annex, and all the operations there are Fulton County – and somebody that had a brilliant idea of putting a bus stop in the middle of nowhere – have you been in touch with Fulton County to see if they’re going to participate in this venture?” Councilmember Tibby DeJulio asked.
City Manager Eden Freeman said the county hasn’t been approached for potential funding because staff wanted to present the proposal to the council first.
Councilmember Jody Reichel asked if they had confirmed the county plans to use this building for a long period of time. Schultz said they have not, and the county hasn’t said any differently in correspondence they’ve had. But staff can check, she said.
Mayor Rusty Paul said this is a terrible place to drive and the crossing is needed. But Fulton County is creating the need and needs to participate in some capacity whether they pay the whole thing or some of it.
“We’ll have a conversation with our commissioners and the county manager in the process,” he said.
The city has a website created for community input about the project, which includes renderings and more information, at The site is live, but input will be accepted from March 7-13.
After receiving input from the community, Fulton County and GDOT, Schultz said the project would move into the final design and permitting through October. Utility coordination will continue through November, with construction starting in December. She said they expect the pedestrian crossing to be ready for use in April 2023.
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