
Photos: Atlanta Braves make speedy drive up Peachtree to mark World Series victory

Blink and you’ll miss them.

The Atlanta Braves’ World Series victory parade seemed to be over before it began as the caravan of cars, buses, and trollies never slowed down as it sped from Downtown to Midtown.

Onlookers seemed bewildered by the speed at which the Braves exited their namesake city. “They went so fast they could have gotten a speeding ticket,” one fan decked out in a team jersey and cap remarked in Midtown.

The parade quickly took to the interstate to head to Cobb County for another parade and sold-out celebratory event at Truist Park featuring Ludacris and Big Boi.

Photos by Asep Mawardi (Downtown) and Collin Kelley (Midtown).

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