
Real Estate Digital Marketing Strategies to Use during COVID-19

Real Estate Digital Marketing Strategies to Use during COVID-19Buying and selling real estate in the US housing market has been majorly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, real estate agents and brokers have to up their marketing game…

State health commissioner admits Georgia didn’t meet criteria for reopening businesses

State Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Kathleen Toomey admitted that Georgia did not meet all the federal guidelines for reopening businesses and restaurants during a press conference held by Gov. Brian Kemp at the Capitol this afternoon, April 27.

On April 16, the White House released a set of phased guidelines for governors to follow in  reopen businesses. A downward trajectory in the number of COVID-19 cases was at the top of the phase one list, which Georgia did not meet when Kemp announced businesses could begin reopening on April 24.

“We didn’t meet the full criteria, but we felt it was safe to move forward due to hospital capacity, increasing testing capacity, and ramping up contact tracing capacity,” Toomey said. “There also appeared to be a plateauing of cases.”

Toomey made the comment after Kemp had a combative back-and-forth with an NCB News reporter concerning the data he used to make his decision on reopening businesses – a move criticized twice by President Donald Trump last week.

Kemp downplayed Trump’s comments and took a page from the president’s playbook to criticize the media. “I agree with the president that the media is trying to divide us,” Kemp said. “I wish the media could could see and hear how good these calls are going between the [Trump] administration and governors – both Republican and Democrats. The level of communication governors have had with the administrations has been amazing.”

Kemp applauded Trump’s leadership and was grateful for his assistance. “It’s easy to get lost in a lot of noise, but I’ve been encouraged by the messages from small business owners who have been able to reopen,” Kemp said.

The governor said his order for businesses to reopen wasn’t a mandate, but an opportunity.

There are currently 942 fatalities and 23,773 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Georgia as of lunchtime today.  Kemp said 127,961 tests had been conducted statewide, and testing was ramping up thanks to partnerships with Walmart, CVS and Walgreens.

“We are 36 out of the 50 states in per capita testing, so we have to do more,” Kemp said.

Kemp once again encouraged Georgians to use the online screening site set up at Once screened by technicians, if a person shows symptoms they are referred to testing for COVID-19. The governor said 2,059 people had been screened online and 1,513 had been referred for testing.

Kemp also revealed that there are nine patients recovering from coronavirus at the surge field hospital opened at the Georgia World Congress Center in Downtown. He said the patients, who came from Grady, Emory and Wellstar hospitals, were moved to the field hospital to free up beds for other patient needs. Kemp said there were 1,023 critical care beds available across the state for COVID-19 patients and 1,800 ventilators ready for use if necessary.

Kemp said the shelter-in-place order would end April 30, but the medically fragile should continue to remain at home until May 13. He said he might extend that order for the medically fragile and would be closely watching the data.

The governor made no further announcements about when other closed businesses could reopen.

The post State health commissioner admits Georgia didn’t meet criteria for reopening businesses appeared first on Atlanta INtown Paper.


Forecast: Mortgage Rates Could Drop Even Lower Toward 2021, Say Experts

Key highlights from this report: Recent mortgage rate forecasts suggest that rates will remain low. Those predictions came from economists at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. One forecast predicted that rates could drop lower in 2021 than they are now. They’re currently hovering in the 3.3% range, for a 30-year loan. Such forecasts are the […]

The post Forecast: Mortgage Rates Could Drop Even Lower Toward 2021, Say Experts appeared first on HBI News.


Senator David Perdue Connects Georgians With Top Officials Implementing CARES Act

U.S. Senator David Perdue (R-GA) continues to connect Georgians with key administration and state officials to provide answers regarding the implementation of the CARES Act and other coronavirus relief packages.

“My top priority is helping all Georgians get through this crisis,” said Senator Perdue. “My role at the federal level has been to help provide relief and facilitate candid conversations between senior officials and Georgia leaders on a daily basis. We have been fortunate to receive constructive feedback, which is critical as we continue to improve our response efforts and prepare for the way forward.”

Dr. Tammy Beckham, Director of Infectious Disease at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and President and CEO of the Georgia Hospital Association Earl Rogers joined Senator Perdue to discuss the challenges our hospitals are facing and support for our health care providers and workers.

“Testing is a critical component of a multifaceted approach that is needed to get America back to work,” said Dr. Beckham, a member of the COVID-19 Task Force. “Members of the Georgia Hospital Association are integral to this collaborative system that will expand testing, optimize usage, improve data, and innovate during this unprecedented public health threat.”

“Georgia Hospital Association and its 165 hospital members from all corners of the state are most appreciative of Senator Perdue for his unwavering support during this COVID-19 crisis,” said Earl Rogers. “Time and again, Senator Perdue has connected our hospital members with appropriate administration officials who have assisted them in meeting these extraordinary challenges. Senator Perdue is there when we need him and is always quick to respond.”

U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue and President of Georgia Farm Bureau Gerald Long joined Senator Perdue to speak with hundreds of farmers about their labor needs and food supply challenges during the coronavirus.

“I appreciate the relationship USDA has with our home folks in Georgia,” said Secretary Perdue.“We just announced our Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, which will provide $19 billion in assistance to our farmers. President Trump and our Administration stands behind our farmers and consumers during this time of national crisis. USDA is working hard to get relief dispersed quickly to all sectors of our agriculture community.”

“Georgia Farm Bureau appreciates the work that Senator David Perdue and Secretary Sonny Perdue are doing to assist our farmers during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Gerald Long. “As we navigate through these uncertain and unprecedented times, their leadership and steadfast support of Georgia agriculture is invaluable. I’d like to thank them for the work they are doing to assist farmers in these difficult times.”

National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow and Georgia Director for National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Nathan Humphrey joined the Senator to answer questions from thousands of small business owners.

“To all the people in Georgia, keep your head up and we’ll get through this,” said Director Kudlow. “We had a powerful economic growth spurt for three years before this virus. If we can help individuals, families, and businesses with cash and liquidity to get through the next couple of months, then when the virus flattens out and starts to go down, we can get America back to work.”

“We were happy to have Senator Perdue speak with us and answer our members’ questions,” said Nathan Humphrey.“Due to the coronavirus public health emergency, NFIB is taking all the steps that we can to provide businesses with the most up-to-date information.”

Since the passage of the CARES Act, Senator Perdue has spoken daily with health care leaders and hospitals about their needs on the frontlines, small business owners and local community lenders about bridging the gap for the business community, and individuals about receiving direct payments to get money into the hands of Georgia families. The Senator is a member of President Trump’s congressional task force to reopen the economy.


Colquitt County Stronger Together

Colquitt County is Stronger Together, there is no doubt. In these ever-changing times of navigating the impacts of COVID-19, our community is working diligently to be resourceful and supportive. The Moultrie Colquitt County Development Authority, in partnership with the Moultrie-Colquitt County Chamber of Commerce, City of Moultrie and Colquitt County Board of Commissioners, placed hundreds of signs across Colquitt County this week offering encouragement and support to the essential employees of Colquitt County. The signs state, “Colquitt County Stronger Together,” and “We Love our Essential Employees.” Many workers throughout Colquitt County have continued to work daily during the COVID-19 virus, and these are the essential employees who make Colquitt County strong.
As is typical when an emergency occurs, a community pulls together. This emergency is different than what most of us have ever experienced. Many people pray for those who are sick, for the safety of those who are not, for the safety and expert knowledge of the medical professionals, and for our officials both elected and hired to lead our community safely. It takes us all working together, and together we are stronger.
According to President of the Moultrie Colquitt County Development Authority Barbara Grogan, “Our community will always rise to any challenge before us, as has been evident. We are thankful for the citizens who have been able to stay home and slow the spread of the virus. We are also greatly appreciative of the essential employees who have continued to work and provide necessary services. People have been at work daily since the start, across our towns of Berlin, Doerun, Ellenton, Funston, Moultrie, and Norman Park. These signs are a meant to be a reminder that we know employees are working hard, in very different conditions than before, and we value them.”
Speaking directly to the employers of Colquitt County who have kept their businesses open and people employed, Grogan expresses special appreciation for all they have done to keep Colquitt County’s economy moving.  She continues, “Whether it be the essential employees of Oxley’s, Wal-Mart, Piggly Wiggly, Publix, Market Produce, Joe Kem’s and Mike’s Country Store, who have all worked to keep the grocery stores stocked with food; or the employees of the farms such as Chill-C, Mel-Cab, J&R Farms, Baker Farms, Southern Valley and L&M Produce who have worked to provide portions of the food, all are essential. Ag suppliers, such as Ellenton Ag Supply, Sutton Systems, Nutrien, Helena Chemicals, Colquitt Ag Services and others have provided necessary products to our farmers, and MT Power Equipment and Lasseter Mechanical who have also supported our farm and business community by providing essential equipment services.”
With special recognition to childcare providers whose businesses and services allow the employees of Colquitt County to do their jobs on a daily basis, Grogan shares her thanks and appreciation to them as well.  “And especially essential workers at daycares such as or Friend’s & Co. Daycare, Ms. Brandi’s Childcare, Payne’s Kiddie Ranch, the Moultrie YMCA, and others who have worked to keep the children of essential employees across our community—thank you for all you do.”
Grogan continues, “We have food processors at Sanderson Farms and National Beef, those in the timber industry at Canfor Lumber, Southern Wood Components, UFP Moultrie, and Destiny Industries cutting and building products from timber to supply other industries and essential needs. We have essential employees building parts and components at Southern Powder Coating and Moultrie Die Cast and sewing needed items at Sujac Sewing. Employees at Georgia Linens are working to sanitize the linens for hospitals and nursing homes. We have essential workers at banks and law firms, places who shifted their styles of service, but nonetheless continued to be available to meet client needs. From our essential county employees and Sherriff’s department, to the police, fire and public works employees in each City, the list of so many for which we are grateful for their efforts goes on and on.
Our medical community of Colquitt Regional Medical Regional Center, local physicians, pharmacies, and the Colquitt County Health Department are always a strong resource of essential workers, who coordinate services. During COVID, their efforts are no different, working together for a stronger, healthier Colquitt County.”
The storms that passed through Colquitt County and most of South Georgia over the last two days reiterate the importance of being stronger together.  Through COVID and the recent storm activity, the Development Authority and its partners want to express an additional appreciation for power delivery personnel.  “Additionally, our linemen with the Cities of Moultrie and Doerun, Colquitt EMC and Georgia Power have kept the power equipment functioning; and on Thursday and Friday, they quickly began repairing damaged lines from the tornadoes.”
In closing, Grogan reiterates the appreciation Colquitt County has for essential employees, and all citizens who are doing their part. “From staying home and safe, protecting others who are fragile, to working in new conditions of distancing and wearing masks while providing essential services, thousands of our citizens have continued to work, as safely as possible, knowing the dangers they face each day with the virus.  We could not be more proud and thankful for them. We are stronger for all the people who play essential roles and are working together.”


LaunchPad2X and TiE Atlanta Partner to Increase Access for Women- and Minority-Led Businesses

TiE Atlanta is partnering with LaunchPad2X for ACCESS, its newest entrepreneurship program that is aiming to close the mentoring and funding gap between women- and minority-owned businesses in the Southeast US.

LaunchPad2X (LP2X) helps women entrepreneurs make the critical transition from founder to CEO through high-level training, access to resources, and a supportive community of other women CEOs and mentors. The innovative LP2X program has graduated over 175 female women Founder/CEOs with an impressive success rate. The LP2X mission fits perfectly with this new program from TiE Atlanta.

“Women-led companies are underfunded in a way that is oddly disconnected from performance stats. Male-led ventures grab an astonishing 95% of venture funding, despite the fact that women-led new businesses grow faster and reach profitability sooner” says LP2X founder Bernie Dixon. “In the aftermath of the pandemic, there is an urgent need to give women led companies the support they need to develop the products and services that will spur job creation and help lead the economic recovery. As we focus on scaling LP2X to other cities, we look forward to partnering with TiE and its global reach, and its common goal of supporting underserved women and minority founders.”

ACCESS will set the stage for business owners to present their product or service to established angel investors from TiE Atlanta. Qualifications for the competition include that the business must be in the Early Stage, Seed, or Seed+ funding stage; at least one female or minority founder/cofounder, post revenue and based in the southeast US. The business that places first will receive an angel investment of $50,000 and an opportunity to present at TiECON Atlanta 2020.  

Further investments of an additional $50,000 will also be provided to at least two more companies.  All companies that qualify for ACCESS will be mentored by real-life entrepreneurs who represent the lifeblood of TiE and want to give back by building the next generation of entrepreneurs.

JP James, president of TiE Atlanta and co-chair of TiE Atlanta Angels added, “Both organizations believe in the power of mentoring and connecting emerging entrepreneurs with the right investors. We couldn’t think of a better partner than LaunchPad2x as we gain momentum behind ACCESS.”

The program aims to pave in-roads for minority and women-owned businesses to build their companies and networks not only here in Atlanta, but at an international scale, thanks to TiE Global’s international impact.

ACCESS is now accepting applications until May 15. Qualified participants will be announced by June 5, 2020; and screened and approved participants will go through a qualifying round on July 11, 2020. The finalists will be announced on July 14 and will present to investors on August 19, 2020.

TiE Atlanta Angels is the angel investment group of TiE Atlanta and has made over $4 million investments into 17 companies since August 2017, with a primary focus on high growth entrepreneurial startups across all industries. The angel group has worked on a disciplined investment model and has invested in companies seeking Seed through Series A funding. Through this model, TiE Atlanta Angels has become one of the fastest growing, high impact angel groups in the Southeast.


Habitat for Humanity International Reduces Staff and Other Expenses in Face of COVID-19 Economic Impacts

Global housing nonprofit Habitat for Humanity International is taking several actions to cut expenses in reaction to short- and long-term financial forecasts and operational impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Approximately 10% of staff at the organization will be laid off, and several others will have their work hours reduced. The action will immediately impact its U.S.-based staff, and its regional offices throughout the world in the weeks to come. Among other expense reductions, senior leaders at the organization have elected to take a pay reduction.

“Habitat for Humanity is a ministry of people who share a vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live,” said Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity International. “For so many of our team, Habitat is not merely a job—it is a cause. It breaks our hearts to take these significant, but necessary, actions. We are compelled by the economic realities of this global pandemic, and by our responsibility to steward Habitat for Humanity so that we can resume serving our communities as quickly as is safe to do.”

Habitat for Humanity International is the umbrella organization of a federation of local and national Habitat programs operating in all 50 states and in more than 70 countries. Habitat for Humanity International brought in approximately US$300 million in revenue in fiscal year 2019, while the full network is estimated to have earned US$2.3 billion. The network served more than 7 million people last fiscal year, and has helped more than 29 million people access new or improved housing since its founding in 1976.

Habitat’s leadership team is taking the actions with the support of its board of directors, which met in March to discuss the situation.

Since the initial spread of the virus, Habitat has taken several proactive steps to suspend its operations to help prevent the transmission among its volunteers, staff and the people in the communities it serves. These measures have had immediate financial impacts for the organization. Global economic turbulence has also led the donor-funded nonprofit to significantly revise its revenue projections. Many of the local and national Habitat organizations—also facing significant funding shortfalls—have already made similar expense reductions.

Habitat has established a COVID-19 Critical Operations Fund to help safeguard its mission and business continuity efforts. The organization will also soon launch a fundraising campaign — Homes, Communities, Hope + You — which will help the full Habitat network raise support to continue its service.


Regions Foundation Announces Grants for ACE and United Way of Greater Atlanta in Support of COVID-19 Response

The Regions Foundation, a nonprofit initiative of Regions Bank that supports community investments, on Friday announced a series of grants in support of organizations throughout the Southeast and Texas that are helping people and businesses severely impacted by COVID-19.

Two nonprofits in North Georgia are among those receiving grants:

Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs (ACE): ACE is a nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution that specializes in small-business funding and business advisory services. The organization is currently coordinating with clients, government and corporate partners on a variety of COVID-19 relief initiatives for businesses. ACE is supported by grants and other forms of funding from banks, foundations, government entities and corporations to assist in its mission to help underserved business owners. ACE is receiving a $25,000 grant from the Regions Foundation.

United Way of Greater Atlanta: United Way of Greater Atlanta joined the Community Foundation for Greater Atlantato launch the Greater Atlanta COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund. The fund is in place to support a wide range of organizations throughout the area that are helping many people in communities disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and its economic consequences. The fund is receiving a $50,000 grant from the Regions Foundation.

“Our communities are facing an unprecedented challenge, and, likewise, we are seeing an unprecedented response from nonprofits that are coming together to connect people with vital information, resources and guidance,” said Bill Linginfelter, Atlanta Market Executive for Regions Bank. “Regions is honored to support their mission as part of our comprehensive approach toward serving the communities where we live and work.”

“We appreciate the Regions Foundation’s commitment to small-business recovery and trust in ACE as a partner to help enable it,” added Grace Fricks, President and CEO of ACE. “We have contacted our loan clients and offered payment deferments while also creating an emergency financing option for our borrowers, including women, people of color and people with low to moderate incomes. Our goal is to get through this crisis – together.”

“Thank you to Regions Foundation for their generous contribution to the Greater Atlanta COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund,” said Milton J. Little Jr., President and CEO of United Way of Greater Atlanta. “Their contribution will go directly to supporting nonprofit organizations and other agencies focused on providing crucial services to our communities, including seniors, families with children who normally receive free or reduced-price meals at school, families in need of childcare, homeowners and renters at risk for eviction, and hourly/low-wage workers.”

The Regions Foundation is identifying additional organizations for financial support, and more grants will be announced in the coming weeks. In addition, the Foundation recently announced it will match, dollar-for-dollar, donations by Regions Bank associates to United Way chapters and Community Foundations responding to COVID-19 needs.


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