
New Sustainability Commission Created for Gwinnett County

The Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners recently established a new commission to assess the County’s current and future environmental sustainability needs. Board members will each have one appointment to the five-member Gwinnett County Sustainability Commission.

District 2 Commissioner Ben Ku said creation of the new panel is in keeping with the County’s core values, particularly those of stewardship and sustainability.

“Engaging residents to review our sustainability practices and programs and make recommendations for further actions will support our goal to maintain the Gwinnett Standard of being an environmental leader among local governments in Georgia,” said Ku.

The commission will prepare at least one annual written report with recommendations for existing sustainability practices and programs. The report will include the scope of the commission’s environmental sustainability work and the basis for its recommendations, such as infrastructure needs, feasibility of proposed approaches, quality of life and potential economic benefits and impacts.

The commission will also provide public education and outreach on sustainability issues and encourage the community to reduce its environmental impact.

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