Brand new data released by SelectSoftware Reviews reveals work from home hotspots across the US in 2023.
The study analyzes the US Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey which reveals households where someone has worked from home in the previous seven days, and across a variety of demographic splits in each US state including; age, gender, income, and educational background.
In 2023, Colorado has the highest percentage of people regularly working from home at least one day a week, at an average 37%. In contrast, just 12% of people in
Mississippi work from home on a regular basis – the lowest percentage in the country.
Massachusetts has the highest percentage of men and women working from home, at an average 38%, while Colorado is where women are most likely to work remotely, at an average of 37%.
The data also reveals Massachusetts has the highest number of workers earning $200,000 or more who work from home, with eight in 10 (81%) high earning residents in the state regularly working remotely.
Amongst Americans earning $25,000 or less, Utah has the most remote workers, at around 20%, while North Dakota has the fewest remote workers, with an average of 96% of employed people doing no work from home.
The data concludes Millennials (ages 25-39) are working from home most, with Massachusetts holding the highest percentage of remote workers at an average 48%.
When it comes to educational background, Maryland has the highest percentage (59%) of Americans working from home in 2023 who have a bachelor’s degree or higher.
Utah has the highest percentage of Americans whose highest education is high school working from home in 2023, at 23%, while 20% of people in the state with less than a high school education work from home.
In 2023, Wyoming has the fewest remote workers, with an average 22.2% residents working from home. Amongst Wyoming residents working from home, 66.87% don’t have a Bachalor’s degree, whilst 83.29% working from home don’t have a high school or DEG.
In Wyoming, 10.42% of remote workers are borrowing money from either friends or family, and only 19.8% of remote workers have credit cards or loans.
A spokesperson for SelectSoftware Reviews has commented on the study findings:
“Remote work became a prominent trend in the United States prior to the pandemic, with many companies offering flexible work arrangements to their employees.
“Our findings reveal there are more Americans earning a significantly higher salary working from home.
“Many high-paid roles involve working with colleagues, clients, or partners from different parts of the world. Therefore, remote work will allow professionals to collaborate effectively across time zones without the need for constant travel, increasing productivity.
“In contrast lower paid jobs often involve tasks that require physical presence, such as retail, hospitality, healthcare, manufacturing, and manual labor. These jobs often involve hands-on work that cannot be easily performed remotely.
“It is also interesting to see that ‘Generation Z’ have the highest percentage of remote workers, resulting in an average 33% across all US states.
“The pandemic accelerated this trend as many businesses had to shift to remote work to maintain operations while ensuring employee safety.
“There are several trends and factors that could influence the future of remote working in the US.
“Hybrid work models are becoming increasingly popular, allowing employees will split their time between working from home and working in a traditional office setting. This approach offers the flexibility and autonomy of remote work while maintaining a level of in-person collaboration.
“Remote-First companies make working from home the default option with physical office work limited. This can help organizations tap into a broader talent pool and reduce overhead costs associated with maintaining large physical office spaces.
“More companies could also look at offering more flexible work arrangements, allowing employees to choose when and where they work, based on their individual needs and job responsibilities.”