
MMM Sponsors Creative Destruction Lab

The Technology Group at Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP law firm is proud to announce sponsorship of the Creative Destruction Lab (CDL), a global nonprofit business organization. CDL delivers an objectives-based program for massively scalable, seed-stage, science- and technology-based companies. It operates in five cities in Canada, two in Europe and two in the U.S., including Atlanta. While the international organization has several prestigious sponsors, MMM is its only U.S. law firm partner.

CDL-Atlanta, based at Georgia Tech’s Scheller College of Business, supports ventures innovating in the commerce sector. The founding partners of CDL-Atlanta are Silicon Road Ventures’ Managing Partner Sid Mookerji and The Home Depot’s Former Chairman and CEO, Frank Blake. Both are Fellows with the organization. Other mentors include entrepreneurs who have founded, led and sold significant tech companies. Although based in Atlanta, these mentors will interact with companies across the globe.

“I am excited to see MMM as a sponsor of Creative Destruction Lab’s recently launched Atlanta chapter,” Mookerji said. “MMM and John Yates are longtime icons in the Southeast U.S. startup ecosystem and their involvement will provide a fillip to CDL’s growth and success.”

MMM Partner John Yates, who heads the firm’s Tech Group, also serves as a CDL mentor providing feedback to entrepreneurs. A widely respected leader in the Atlanta community, Yates has founded or co-founded several leading technology organizations. Under his leadership, the firm’s technology practice has provided value-added legal services to more than 1,000 companies and investors in the U.S. and overseas.

“I’m excited to work with talented CDL entrepreneurs from around the globe, and to share ideas with CDL’s talented and experienced group of mentors,” Yates said.
Applications are now open to entrepreneurs who want to participate in the next nine-month program, which starts in October. The applicants can specialize in agriculture, AI, blockchain, climate, commerce, energy, fintech, health, matter, oceans, prime, quantum, risk, space or supply chain. The selected companies will receive advice from world-leading entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers and economists. The deadline to apply is July 30. CDL’s services are free to the selected participants.
For more information visit

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