Georgia Labor Commissioner Bruce Thompson said Thursday that Atlanta recorded an unemployment rate of 2.8 percent in April, down three-tenths from a revised 3.1 percent in March. A year ago, the rate was 2.6 percent.
“Empowering the right people, in the right place, at the right time to make the right decisions is why Georgia continues to lead the nation in low unemployment and job opportunities for hardworking Georgians,” said Commissioner Bruce Thompson. “From the state to the local level, Georgia is focused on creating an environment where businesses can thrive, and everyday workers can find good jobs and build better lives.”
The labor force decreased in Atlanta by 16,791 and ended the month with 3,276,496. This number increased by 62,859 when compared to April 2023.
The number of employed decreased by 6,714 to 3,183,566 in April. From April 2023 to April 2024, the number of employed was up by 54,963.
The number of unemployed was down by 10,077 to 92,930 in April. From April 2023 to April 2024, the number of unemployed was up by 7,896.
Atlanta ended April with 3,075,700 jobs. Jobs were up 7,700 (0.3%) over the month and up 38,800 (1.3%) over the year.
Over-the-month, jobs were up in Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, 3,500, Administrative and Support Services, 3,400, Health Care and Social Assistance, 1,700, Finance and Insurance, 1,200, and Durable Goods Manufacturing, 1,100.
Jobs were down in Local Government, -1,200; Transportation and Warehousing, -1,100; and Repair and Maintenance, -600. Jobs were at an all-time high in Leisure and Hospitality, 316,600, and Financial Activities, 208,100.
Over-the-year, the sectors with the most over-the-year job gains included Health Care and Social Assistance, 18,100; Accommodation and Food Services, 9,300; Local Government, 8,800; Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, 5,400; and Finance and Insurance, 5,000.
Jobs were down in Information, which includes Motion Picture/Sound Recording, -14,000; Transportation and Warehousing, -6,900; and Administrative and Support Services, -6,300.
Initial claims were up by 1,262 (12%) over-the-month to 11,854 in April. Initial claims were down by 1,661 (-12%) over-the-year.