
June Poll Shows Georgia Employee Trust and Loyalty Increased by Businesses’ Pandemic Response; Employees Report Heightened Productivity but Specific Concerns, Wishes for Recovery

A goBeyondProfit survey conducted earlier this month among working Georgians shows businesses’ pandemic response has increased their employees’ trust and loyalty.  Respondents reported work productivity higher than before the pandemic and indicated better-than-neutral mental wellbeing, though they worry about job security and coronavirus exposure at work and among their family and friends. 

The study also showed employees’ desire for meaning and purpose in their work is at even higher levels than their desire for workplace flexibility. And in one likely unexpressed need, they want their employer to understand they are emotionally impacted by the pandemic.  

“This pulse check into the mindset of Georgia’s employed adults offers employers practical insights and clear actionable guidance,” said goBeyondProfit Founding Director Megan McCamey.  “Be visible by communicating frequently about business progress and safety measures, helping your employees feel valued and connected to a greater company purpose, and responding to broader needs in the community. These steps reap long term rewards in employee loyalty, productivity and overall mental health.”

The full report and data visuals are available at

Georgia employees give their employers high marks for their COVID-19 pandemic response and attribute a higher level of trust and loyalty because of it. 

Respondents gave their employers highest scores for demonstrating care for employees (76% excellent/good rating) and communicating well with transparency (70% excellent/good).  

Based on their employer’s pandemic response, 57% rated their level of trust and loyalty for their employer higher than it was before the pandemic. Those who rate their employers higher on all activities indicate highest increases of trust and loyalty.

Employees report being productive … and worried.  

Compared with before the pandemic, 46% of Georgia employees rated themselves as more or much more productive, while 40% felt they were at the same level of productivity.  The mean came in at 3.48 on a five-point scale.

Respondents rated their mental well-being as better than neutral.  On a five-point scale where one was “Exhausted, drained and stressed” and five was “Positive, energetic, happy,” Georgia’s employed adults rate their current mental wellbeing at a 3.59.  A full 28% indicated being in the neutral territory. 

But they are worried.  When asked to choose the single thing they’re most worried about, a near three-way tie appeared between job security (25% chose this), coronavirus exposure (23%) and the health of family/myself/friends (23%)  

A majority – a full 66% — want their employer to understand they are emotionally impacted by the pandemic. 

Employees want CEOs to address both logistical and emotional well-being aspects of the business.

It is almost equally important to Georgia’s employed adults that they feel their work environment is safe from COVID-19 (78% agree) and feel appreciated and valued by the business (75%). Respondents ranked wanting a sense of purpose in their work (75%) even higher than flexibility of work location for COVID contingencies (68%)

As reflected in their job security and health worries, 75% of employees agree they want employer communication about steps they’re taking to reopen safely, and the same percentage want frequent updates on business recovery progress.

The online survey was conducted among 569 employed Georgians between June 4-7, 2020.  At a 95% confidence level, the survey has an error range of +/- 4%.

goBeyondProfit is a statewide alliance launched by business leaders for business leaders to spur corporate generosity and improve people’s lives. Through peer insights and stories, members learn from one another and strengthen their ability to ensure stronger businesses and healthier communities. goBeyondProfit is a fully funded philanthropic venture inviting every Georgia business to join at no cost. 

For further information, and complete data charts, visit