
Governor Kemp Signs Legislation Allowing for Early Prescription Refills during Emergencies

On Wednesday, Governor Brian Kemp was joined by Commissioner John F. King, State Senator Kay Kirkpatrick, and State Representative Ron Stephens for the signing of legislation to allow for early prescription refills during a state of emergency.

Senate Bill 391, which was carried by Senator Kirkpatrick on behalf of the Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner’s Office, allows for the early refill of a 30-day prescription, regardless of when it was last fulfilled, for a Georgia resident of a county either under a state of emergency declared by the Governor or a hurricane warning issued by the National Weather Service. Schedule II controlled substances are exempt from this change.

“This legislation is meant to ensure Georgians who are forced to either evacuate their homes or shelter in place have at least a 30-day supply of essential medications to get them through an emergency,” said Commissioner King. “I’mthankful to Governor Kemp for signing this bill today to protect our most vulnerable citizens.”

“While this bill was initially aimed at helping Georgians under the threat of a hurricane or natural disaster, the recent COVID-19 outbreak has demonstrated the additional need for this change,” said Senator Kirkpatrick. “The elderly and medically fragile who should continue sheltering in place during this time will now have access to a larger supply of their medications up front and can avoid venturing out into public.”

Under this new law, Commissioner King has the ability to extend this early prescription refill waiver by 15-day or 30-day increments through emergency order, if necessary.

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