
Governor Kemp Announces New Georgia Public Broadcasting CEO

Governor Brian P. Kemp today announced that the Georgia Public Telecommunications Commission voted unanimously this morning to appoint Bert Wesley Huffman as Chief Executive Officer of Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB), effective August 7.

“I want to congratulate Bert as he steps into this role and continues his service at GPB,” said Governor Brian Kemp. “I know he will help ensure the agency remains a valued part of the lives of Georgians through informative content.”

“The Commission is proud to appoint Bert to this important position,” said Brian Dill, Chairman of the Georgia Public Telecommunications Commission. “His record of dedicated service helped to set him apart throughout the process of finding the agency’s next leader, and we know he will help guide GPB in fulfilling its mission across its television, radio, and educational services throughout the State.”

Bert Wesley Huffman has worked at GPB since 2014 when he became the organization’s first Vice President for Development and Marketing. He later became Senior Vice President of External Affairs before being named President of GPB in 2021, directing all business functions of the company. He also leads all external functions, including marketing and development operations, branding and communications, and sponsorship and fundraising activities. In 2016, Huffman received the Public Radio Association of Development Officers Development Professional of the Year award. Prior to joining GPB, Huffman held top roles in development operations for arts and education institutions, including The Atlanta Opera and Emory University. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Tennessee Wesleyan College and an MPA from Kennesaw State University.