We blinked and the year is over. In an ever-changing business climate, goBeyondProfit shared candid insights from peers and ideas for leading with generosity. Below you’ll find a curated selection of the most relevant, talked about resources.
We give thanks for this network of more than 1,700 companies across the state of Georgia and their daily efforts to lead vibrant businesses that care.
WHAT YOU NEED TO GET RIGHT, RIGHT NOW: Chloe Barzey (Accenture) “Chief Executives need to embrace the shift: this new reality of stakeholders looking to their company to do more and care more.” Read the full interview.
WHEN SOCIAL ISSUES CREATE WORKPLACE TURMOIL: Kenji Kuramoto (Acuity) “At the beginning, I wanted the whole thing to disappear…’Please, can we not address this?’ But that would have been a huge opportunity missed.” Read the full interview.
Ira Jackson (Perfect Image) putting community into context as an entrepreneur. Learn More.
Jill Campbell (Cox Enterprises) aligning 50,000 global employees to one set of company values. Find out more.
Nigel Zelcer (Jabian Consulting) positioning community involvement as core to culture. Learn more.
Jon Williams (W&A Engineering) business superpowers to solve local problems. Find out how.
77% of consumers prefer to buy from generous companies.
60% of employees, including 78% of millennial employees, consider generosity when deciding to work for a company.
CEOs saw ROI to their generosity in increased employee retention and culture (73%) greater customer loyalty (65%), and brand enhancement (65%).
RECAP: “Emotional Generosity” emerges as an executive imperative – both as a strategy to deploy and as a skillset to develop. Find out more.
“Recently, at a casual dinner, a chief executive asked me candidly how to best ensure his company is genuinely seen as a good actor. Like many CEOs, he was looking for a road map that enables him to concentrate on his core business while feeling secure in the fact that “his people” have confidence in his leadership and, frankly, feel proud to work for him. Sound familiar?”
“How do companies navigate polarized opinions and find a positive place to engage? Amidst the complexity of the conversations, is there a low-risk way to do good?”
78% of millennials expect to see more generosity from the businesses in their lives. Businesses should see this as a low-cost competitive advantage.
Crisis made clear that external acts of kindness must align with internal company culture to maintain a positive reputation. Our Telly Award-winning video series has become a crucial tool for CEOs, board executives, and managers of all backgrounds to build sustained business value as a company known for generosity, inside and out.
goBeyondProfit now totals over 1,700 members across the state of Georgia. Every Georgia business is invited to join this growing alliance and gain free access to all of the research and insights they need to lead.