
Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank (GTIB) Grant

The Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank (GTIB) is a grant and low-interest loan program administered by the State Road and Tollway Authority (SRTA). Since inception, GTIB has provided over $165 million in grants and loans to highly competitive transportation projects that have enhanced mobility and driven economic development in local communities throughout Georgia. 

Preferred Applications:

  • Projects providing clear economic development benefits
  • Projects that will be completed in the near-term as a result of GTIB investment
  • Projects with significant matching funds

Up to $15 million will be awarded. Awards are expected to be announced in April or May 2022. 


  • Eligible Applicants include local, regional and state government entities in Georgia, including CIDs. Projects must be motor-fuel-tax eligible (i.e., generally highways and bridges).  Eligible costs include preliminary engineering, right of way, and construction costs. See below for more detailed definitions.
  • Eligible Costs are costs related to preliminary engineering, traffic and revenue studies, environmental studies, right of way acquisition, legal and financial services associated with the development of the qualified project, construction, construction management, facilities, and other costs necessary for the qualified project. Expenses incurred prior to the contract effective date cannot be reimbursed by GTIB unless such expenses are expressly authorized in advance and in writing by GTIB.
  • Eligible Projects are currently restricted to those roadway projects that satisfy the requirements of being motor-fuel tax eligible; as set forth in O.C.G.A. §32-1-1et seq. Don’t know if your project’s eligible?  Call us at 404-893-6186.


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