
Georgia Power Retiree Sews, Donates More than 700 Blankets to Project Linus

Sylvia Drumm may be retired, but that hasn’t stopped her from putting her hands to work and being a “citizen wherever she serves.”

Drumm’s husband, Gene, is a retiree of Georgia Power and today, Sylvia is an active member of Georgia Power’s Ambassadors – Metro Atlanta East chapter, one of the 12 chapters across the state of retirees who have committed to caring and sharing within their communities through active volunteerism and community support.

Last month, she sewed and donated 38 blankets to Project Linus, a nonprofit that operates in all 50 states to provide a sense of warmth, security and comfort to children who are seriously ill, going through trauma, or are otherwise in need.

To date, Drumm has used her time to make and donate 712 blankets to the organization’s local chapter in Georgia. There are currently nine active Project Linus chapters across the state. She and her husband reside in the Lakeside/Northlake community in DeKalb County.


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