
GAE Applauds Georgia Department Of Education’s Latest Initiatives To Modify Milestones Testing

The president of the Georgia Association of Educators, Lisa Morgan, expressed her organization’s support of the latest guidance and clarification for Georgia’s high stakes testing program, the Milestones.  The state Department had asked the U.S. Department of Education for a waiver from such tests because of COVID-19, but none has been granted.   

Using his authority as State School Superintendent, Richard Woods said he would be announcing “a list of actions and recommendations to reduce the pressure of high-stakes testing in Georgia classrooms for the 2020-2021 school year.”   

“We appreciate Mr. Woods continued efforts to promote compassion over compliance and a focus on students and their well-being rather than testing,” said Morgan.  The Georgia Department of Education announced a reduction in the percentage of a student’s final grade derived from End of Course Tests and the elimination of End of Grade Tests as a consideration in promotion/retention decisions.  The grade weight given for End of Course Milestones testing would be reduced from 20% to .01%.   

One thing that DOE cannot do is to adjust or suspend educator evaluations, the Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (TKES) and the Leader Keys Effectiveness System (LKES).  Due to provisions of both being part of state law, an executive order signed by the governor is necessary. 

“We sincerely hope that Gov. Brian Kemp will waive TKES and LKES for the 2020-2021 school year as he did in March for the 2019-2020 school year,” Morgan added. “This action would not eliminate accountability for teachers and administrators, but rather promote shared accountability and mutual support amongst educators, families and the community to ensure students emerge from this crisis physically, socially, emotionally, and academically healthy.”

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