
Dunwoody historical organization to search for new executive director

The Dunwoody Preservation Trust has announced that it will begin looking for a new executive director in the wake of the departure of former Executive Director Suzanne Huff.

Huff has been with the preservation trust, an organization dedicated to saving and sharing Dunwoody’s history, since 2018, according to a press release. 

“Suzanne has decided it’s time to spend more time with her family,” said Board President MJ Thomas in the press release. “We greatly appreciate her service to the organization, especially during the past two years of enormous challenge. We will surely miss her.” 

Huff did not respond to a request for comment, and a spokesperson for the trust did not respond to questions about who would serve as interim director. According to the press release, the preservation trust will begin looking for a new executive director in the next couple of weeks. 

The post Dunwoody historical organization to search for new executive director appeared first on Reporter Newspapers & Atlanta Intown.

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