
Dunwoody City Council approves new sign code

dunwoody city hall sign

The Dunwoody City Council approved a new sign code at its Oct. 11 meeting. 

The council viewed the ordinance during a Sept. 13 meeting, but deferred the motion to allow the sign ordinance steering committee – which provided guidance for the sign code throughout the creation process – to give the code one last review. 

Throughout 2020 and 2021, the city collected public input from residents and business owners to draft a rewrite of the city’s sign ordinance, according to the city’s website. The Dunwoody Planning Commission reviewed the new sign code twice in April and May of 2021 before passing the issue along to the City Council. 

During the Oct. 11 meeting, Senior Planner Madalyn Smith said the steering committee was not able to have a meeting with everyone involved, but city staff sent out a draft of the code at that time to committee members. Smith said committee members did have some comments, but none that pointed out any “glaring issues or legal issues.”

“Overall the comments reflected the different approaches to sign regulations, but they did not affect the final and current draft of the code you have before you this evening,” Smith said. “Staff feels that this current draft weighs and balances the needs of differing interests between residents and business owners.”

Smith said the city would monitor the initial outcomes of the sign code once approved, and prepare amendments if necessary. The new sign code can be found in the Oct. 11 meeting agenda. 

The objective of the new sign code is to balance “commercial demand for signage in a modern, urban environment with citizen demands for an attractive, uncluttered aesthetic associated with a residential area,” and make the permitting process easier with better oversight, according to a city document. 

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