
Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta & United Way of Greater Atlanta Mobilize More Than $17M for Those Most At Risk

The Greater Atlanta COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, a joint effort from Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta and United Way of Greater Atlanta, announces the Fund’s sixth round of grants. To date, the Fund has raised more than $20 through collective resources. The two organizations have together identified the areas of greatest need and the most vulnerable populations to determine where to deliver funds.

This sixth round of grants total $5.3 million and will be distributed to 245 organizations in response to the region’s needs as a result of COVID-19. A grand total of more than $17.3 million from the Fund has been mobilized to benefit 320 nonprofits thus far. A full listing of today’s grants are detailed below. These, as well as those made in the earlier rounds, are listed on both the Community Foundation’s website and United Way’s website.

Individuals who wish to contribute to supporting our region’s nonprofits can donate to the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund here. Support funds will be released on a rolling basis throughout the outbreak and recovery phases of the crisis. 

During an open, public application process in April, more than 650 nonprofit organizations requested funding and today 245 are receiving grants. The grant review committee placed strong consideration on racial and gender equity in their decisions. Geographic spread and the ability to reach underserved communities and neighborhoods with vital support were also among the considerations.

Grant awards were also informed by a digital listening tool which captured input from more than 300 organizations. Multiple themes have emerged depicting nonprofit experiences: 

Increase in service requests and new clients requesting assistance

Loss of revenue, fees for service and donations

Loss of volunteer assistance due to shelter-in-place orders

Moving work and services to digital platforms such as telehealth, leading to added technology needs and training

Supply shortages for staff, clients and distribution (cleaning supplies, food, household paper products, personal protective equipment/PPE)

Grants are given to nonprofits for general operating support, allowing the receiving organization to direct funds to where they are most needed as they respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding priority areas include childcare, education, emergency financial assistance, food security, health, housing and small business support. Prevailing needs in each of these areas are:

Childcare ($315,500 in total grants this round)

Many childcare centers have had to close, putting financial burdens on facility owners and creating fewer options for frontline healthcare professionals and first responders. Cost and accessibility to quality childcare were issues for families before COVID-19, exacerbated now by the pandemic. Funds help early childhood centers remain open with new safety standards and centers that are providing virtual learning opportunities and family supports.

Education ($957,050 in total grants this round)

With schools closed, over 344,000 students in our region do not have access to the support needed for learning. Grants include educational support provisions and fill gaps in digital/online access, meals and mental health supports.

Emergency Financial Assistance ($990,000 in total grants this round)

The immediate loss of income for thousands of individuals and families has depleted or eliminated any savings for emergency needs, especially for hourly, service industry and gig workers. Grants will support an increased need for emergency financial assistance that ranges from rent and utility assistance to diapers, cleaning supplies and medications.

Food Security ($965,000 in total grants this round)

COVID-19 has disrupted the system of food access for hundreds of thousands of individuals and families, especially seniors, students and the homeless population. Grants for this area will address the exponential increase in demand for food at area pantries and food distribution sites and innovation in delivery options to replace volunteers that can’t be used for safety reasons.

Health ($918,575 in total grants this round)

The health safety net has experienced significant reductions in services. Most school-based clinics and some community-based centers have closed and others have faced lost revenue with declining patient volume. Charitable clinics are reporting increasing numbers due to people losing healthcare related to loss of jobs and not having other options for affordable care. Specific areas of need include access to care, behavioral health, chronic health specialty organizations, maternal and child care and services for people with disabilities.

Housing ($695,000 in total grants this round)

With unprecedented job loss and reduced hours, low-income renters are now challenged to afford their rent. There will be a growing number of unhoused and displaced persons, especially of low-income people of color and young adults. Grants for this area focus on legal support for people at risk of losing housing, basic needs to address housing stability and safety, providing stable housing for people experiencing homelessness and support for people living in residential facilities facing increased needs.

Small Business Support ($495,000 in total grants this round)

Many small business owners have not had access to Paycheck Protection Program loans from the federal government. It is estimated that up to 72% of small businesses will not survive if the crisis extends 4 months or longer. The largest grants are going to organizations that provide direct support for small business owners of color, which have historically had less access to capital, and are significantly less likely to obtain bank funds as white business owners.

Today’s grant recipients are:

180 Your Grief, Inc. DBA Widow Strong – to cover costs for modified operations and increased demand for services. 

21st Century Leaders – to support an immersive leadership development experience.

3D Girls, Inc. – to support basic needs for babies and new mothers.

Acceptance Recovery Center – to support emergency housing and emergency financial assistance to cover program fees.

Agape Youth & Family Center – to provide emergency financial assistance for families experiencing loss of jobs, furloughs or reduced work hours.

Agnes Scott College – for emergency financial assistance, technology supports and internet connectivity for students without access. 

Anchor of Hope, Inc. – to provide basic needs and emergency financial assistance to immigrant families in service industries experiencing loss of jobs.

Artportunity Knocks – to support an online academy focused on science, technology, engineering, art and math.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice – to provide culturally-appropriate information, service provision and advocacy for immigrant populations with highly increased risks to health and safety.

Atlanta Association For Convalescent Aged Persons Inc. dba Sadie G. Mays Health & Rehabilitation Center – to cover the increased costs for additional treatment equipment, cleaning supplies and PPE to continue serving high risk patients.

Atlanta Birth Center – to provide increased services and support for pregnant mothers, partners and midwives at its center reducing the exposure risks for mothers, babies and their families.

Atlanta Cancer Care Foundation, Inc. – to provide direct payment of bills or gift cards for food or gas.

Atlanta CARES Mentoring Movement, LLC. – to provide laptops and increased case management for parents of children who’ve interacted with the juvenile justice system.

Atlanta Fire Rescue Foundation, Inc. – to support the physical health, safety and mental health needs of the 1,100 firefighters serving the city of Atlanta.

Atlanta GLOW (Fiscal Agent – Women’s Nonprofit Alliance) – to provide emergency financial assistance for food, medicine and other basic needs.

Atlanta Harm Reduction Coalition, Inc – to cover the costs of virtual case management, grocery cards for 40 families and meal distribution for 160 people monthly.

Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc. – to support costs of continued advocacy on behalf of its clients in danger of losing housing due to COVID-19. 

The Atlanta Masjid of Al-Islam – to cover costs of delivering weekly halal meals to 500 seniors in East Atlanta.

Atlanta Mission – to address needs of people being sheltered at the Mission.

Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership – to cover costs that address housing needs, basic needs and information on COVID-19. 

ATLFAMILYMEAL, Inc. – to cover the costs of repurposing restaurant industry resources to feed and support industry workers.

Auditory-Verbal Center, Inc. – to provide teletherapy for low-income infants, children, adults and their families with auditory and verbal disabilities due to hearing loss.

Bald Ridge Lodge, Inc. – to provide for increased staffing, supplies and services for the residents of Bald Ridge Lodge.

Bearings Bike Shop – to cover costs of new food delivery services for its clients.

Behavioral Health of Georgia (Fiscal Agent – View Point Health) – to provide shelter for patients requiring self-quarantine and establishing telehealth services for current and new clients.

BEN HILL UMC, INC – for emergency financial assistance, food and childcare support.

Bethany Christian Services of Georgia – to support emergency basic needs for children in foster care.

Bethesda Community Clinic – to support telehealth service provision and COVID-19 testing.

Black Alliance for Just Immigration – to provide emergency financial assistance, communications technology and language services for Black immigrants.

Black Child Development Institute – to provide virtual programming to support parents of young children, childcare providers and elementary educators.

Bobby Dodd Institute – to provide equipment and materials for connectivity and telehealth support to prevent isolationism amongst their clients.

The Boyce L. Ansley School – for tablets, learning packets, food, transportation and virtual support for homeless students and their families.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta – for family support, virtual programming for youth, laptops and food.

Boys & Girls Clubs of North Central Georgia – to provide virtual programming like STEM, outdoor, reading and craft activities and to provide learning kits.

Boys & Girls Clubs of North Georgia – for virtual programming and learning kits.

Bread of Life Development Ministries, Inc. – to continue providing food to children 18 years and younger, and adults with disabilities.

Breakthrough Atlanta (Fiscal agent – The Lovett School)- to provide virtual summer programming, weekly meal boxes and case management.

Bright Futures Atlanta – in response to the transition to online programming, providing laptops and internet access, food and emergency services.

Brown Toy Box (Fiscal Agent – Science Atl, Inc.) – to provide grade level science, engineering, art and math kits and digital content. 

Buckhead Christian Ministry – to provide emergency financial assistance.

Butts County Life Enrichment Team – to provide books and food for families.

C4 Atlanta Inc. – to provide emergency financial assistance for artists.

Caminar Latino, Inc. – to provide an array of services and support to families facing increased stress and violence due to COVID-19.

Captain Planet Foundation – to cover costs of planting urban gardens in Atlanta area schools.

CaringWorks, Inc. – to continue providing supportive housing to more than 1,000 individuals and families experiencing physical health conditions that increase their risks of contracting and succumbing to COVID-19.

Carrie Steele Pitts Home – for increased costs associated with providing housing and support for youth who are in foster care or have aged out.

CAYA Reconciliation Ministries – to cover costs for modified operations and increased demand for services.

Center for Black Women’s Wellness – to cover the costs of extending existing patient care plans, providing additional therapeutic supports, establishing a telehealth system (equipment purchase, training, outreach, etc.) and providing infant and mother care kits.

The Center for Children & Young Adults – for increased staffing to meet the needs of homeless youth.

Center for Civic Innovation – to provide emergency financial assistance, coaching, strategic guidance and resource connections for entrepreneurs.

Central Outreach and Advocacy Center – for transportation, identification needs and referrals to food.

Cherokee Family Violence Center, Inc. – to provide emergency shelter to victims of domestic violence.

City of Refuge, Inc. – to continue providing a broad range of support for vulnerable residents of Atlanta’s Westside neighborhoods.

Clarkston Community Center Foundation, Inc. – to cover costs of providing food to seniors and increased pantry hours.

Clarkston Development Foundation – CDF Action, Inc. – for continued support to the refugee community for early learning and census completion in a priority community.

Closer Look Ministries, Inc. – for subsidized childcare for essential workers, learning materials for children at home and to provide meals.

Cobb Community Foundation, Inc. – to support the Cobb COVID-19 Community Response Fund.

Cobbs School Foundation – for technology devices and development to address remediation needs for instruction. 

College AIM, Inc. – to provide virtual support for college and financial aid counseling, tutoring, career coaches and emergency needs.

College Park Main Street Association Inc. – to provide bridge funding for small businesses in south Fulton.

Communities In Schools of Georgia in Marietta/Cobb County – to provide technology supports and emergency assistance.

Community Action for Improvement – for emergency financial assistance.

Community Advanced Practice Nurses, Inc. – to provide for increased safety for staff and patients, deep cleaning of the facility and COVID-19 testing.

Community Farmers Markets Inc (CFM) –  to cover costs of virtual farmers’ markets and matching benefits of SNAP/EBT with eligible customers.

Community Foundation for Northeast Georgia – to support their localized Coronavirus Relief Fund.

Community Friendship, Inc. – for shelter, emergency financial assistance and food for people experiencing homelessness.

Community Guilds Inc. – for science, technology, engineering, art and math kits for youth.

Community Movement Builders – to cover costs for modified operations and increased demand for services.

Community Outreach in Action, Inc. – to cover costs for modified operations and increased demand for services in Clayton, Fayette, Fulton and Henry counties.

Concrete Jungle – to cover costs for modified operations and increased demand for services.

Connecting Henry, Inc. – for food and emergency financial assistance.

Cool Girls, Inc. – to provide emergency financial assistance for families.

Covenant House Georgia, Inc. – for increased on-site programming due to the shelter in place order and social distancing guidelines.

Coweta Samaritan Clinic – to cover the costs of modifying programs and providing additional services and support to patients with chronic medical conditions.

Create Your Dreams – to provide emergency financial assistance for families experiencing unemployment.

Crossroads Community Ministries – to continue providing services to people experiencing homelessness. 

CURE Childhood Cancer – for emergency financial assistance to families for housing costs.

The Davis Direction Foundation – to cover costs of its new food delivery services and other services for people experiencing homelessness.

Decatur Area Emergency Assistance Ministry – for emergency financial assistance.

DeKalb County School District (Fiscal Agent – Georgia United Foundation) – to support online instruction through technology devices.

DeKalb Library Foundation – for hotspot access, virtual story time and education programs.

Diabetes Association of Atlanta – to increase access to effective healthcare and resources for people with increased risks related to COVID-19.

Duluth Cooperative Ministries – to cover increases of up to 18-times their normal service levels.

East Atlanta Kids Club, Inc. – to cover costs for modified operations and increased demand for services.

East Lake Foundation, Inc. – to provide emergency financial assistance, food and childcare.

The Edge Connection – for education, coaching and mentoring for business owners and entrepreneurs.

ELEVATE Coweta Students – for food distribution and resource referral services in response to COVID-19.

Emmaus House – to provide emergency financial assistance.

Essential2Life, Inc. – for online learning devices for tutoring and mentoring services.

Ethne Health – to provide low-cost and no-cost COVID-19 testing, and culturally appropriate information to refugees in Clarkston.

Families First – for additional service provision for increased numbers of seniors and low-income residents of Atlanta’s Westside neighborhoods.

Family Patterns Matter – for food for families without transportation, virtual tutoring and mental health resources.

Family Promise of Hall County – to provide emergency financial assistance, food and diapers to families.

Family Support Circle – to cover costs of a new food delivery service for their clients. 

Fayette County Council on Domestic Violence DBA Promise Place – to provide emergency shelter, a 24-hour emergency hotline, legal advocacy, weekly support groups, relocation and financial assistance, crisis counseling and safety planning for women and children escaping domestic violence.

Fill Ministries Inc. DBA Meals by Grace – to cover costs of increased food purchases and distribution to more clients in Forsyth county. 

Food Well Alliance Inc. – to cover the costs of modified operations in response to COVID-19.

Fore Hadley Foundation – to provide emergency financial assistance for families with a child in a neonatal ICU.

Forever Fed, Inc – to cover costs of increased food purchases and distribution to more clients in Cherokee county.

Foundation of Wesley Woods – to provide grocery gift cards to vulnerable residents of two South Atlanta HUD communities.

Frazer Center – for learning support for families with children with disabilities.

Friends of Disabled Adults and Children (FODAC) – to help FODAC to continue to provide medical equipment and supplies to area hospitals and clinics during the crisis.

Friends of Gwinnett Seniors, Inc. – to cover costs of the food delivery service to seniors.

Fugees Family, Inc. – to support refugee students and their families with academic instruction, food and public health information translated in several languages.

Furniture Bank Metro Atlanta – to purchase beds for low-income, new residents of homes in the region.

Future Foundation – to provide virtual student learning, tutoring, technology devices, internet connectivity and access to food.

Georgia Advancing Communities Together, Inc. – to provide direct rental/mortgage assistance to residents with priority given to those living in unsubsidized units and homeless persons.

Georgia Asylum and Immigration Network (GAIN) – for emergency financial assistance for families receiving legal assistance.

Georgia Care Connection Office, Inc. DBA Georgia Cares – to cover costs for modified operations and increased demand for services.

Georgia Center for Nonprofits – for technical assistance provided to  nonprofits.

Georgia Charitable Care Network Inc. – to provide telehealth support for up to 26 metro-Atlanta area charitable clinics.

Georgia Highlands Medical Services – to provide drive-thru medical screenings and services at all of its sites.

Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Business Development Center, Inc. – for technical and financial assistance for small businesses. 

Georgia Hope Inc – to continue providing and securing homes for children and youth in foster care.

Georgia Legal Services Program, Inc. – for increased need in legal services for tenants in danger of eviction due to the crisis.

Georgia Organics – to help with efforts to connect organic farmers to means of filling gaps in food distribution.

Gigi’s House, Inc – to cover the increased costs for food for the residents of the shelter.

Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta –  for virtual programming for members and non-members focused on STEM, entrepreneurship, life skills and the outdoors.

The Global Village Project, Inc. – for technology kits, food and emergency assistance.

Good News at Noon – to cover costs of modified operations due to COVID-19 in Barrow, DeKalb, Forsyth, Gwinnett and Hall counties.

Good News Clinics, Inc. – to cover costs of increased telehealth services, PPE for in-person treatment and screenings and curbside prescription services for residents of Hall County.

Good Samaritan Health Center of Cobb, Inc. – for costs related to COVID-19 testing and triage, PPE and lab supplies, telehealth and COVID-HVAC upgrades.

Good Samaritan Health Center of Gwinnett – for provision of COVID-19 screening and referral for testing and provision of emergency dental services for residents in its service area.

Great Promise Partnership – for emergency financial assistance for students who have lost employment.

The Greater Piney Grove Community Development, Inc. – to cover costs of modified operations due to COVID-19.

Greening Youth Foundation, Inc. – for youth stipends and technology resources to support employment continuity.

Grove Park Foundation Inc. – for emergency financial assistance for families to maintain stability in housing.

Gwinnett Coalition for Health and Human Services – to cover costs of providing leadership to a local coalition and providing direct services to residents of Gwinnett county.

Gwinnett Housing Corporation (DBA: Lawrenceville Housing Authority) – to provide food, financial assistance and preserving housing for 40 renters, 40 residents of extended stay shelters and 40 homeowners for the next 90 days.

Hands of Hope Clinic – to continue providing in-person care and to establish telehealth services in Henry county.

Hands On Atlanta, Inc. – to assist with Atlanta Public Schools food distribution activities.  

Harvest Rain Early Learning Academy, Inc. – for scholarship and tuition assistance for childcare, online resources for children at home and grocery store gift cards for families.

Haven of Light International, Inc. – to expand its technology-based connection services with its clientele, and increase its food support for women who have recently escaped domestic violence. 

HEAL; or HEALing Community Center – to cover the costs of establishing telehealth services for primary care and behavioral health; and provide on-site COVID-19 testing.

Helping Hands Computers Outreach, Inc. DBA Helping Hands Outreach – for its increased telemedicine system for low-income children and families in Rockdale county.

Helping In His Name Ministries, Inc. – to support drive-thru services for food distribution efforts.

The Herman J Russell Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship – for small business supports.

Hi-Hope Service Center – for continued services and staffing of its programming for people experiencing homelessness.

Hispanic Alliance GA – to cover modifications in service provision in Hall county due to COVID-19.

Hope for Youth, Inc. – for online curriculum and tech resources.

Hope thru Soap, Inc. – to continue providing services to people experiencing homelessness.

Horizons Atlanta – to cover the costs of providing meals to 850 students per day.

House of Cherith, Inc. – to continue providing housing and wrap around supports to victims and survivors of human trafficking.

Initiative for Affordable Housing, Inc. – to provide housing and ancillary social services for homeless families in DeKalb county.

International Community School – to provide basic needs for children and families.

Just Bakery of Atlanta – for employment support for business operations.

Latin American Association – emergency financial and employment assistance for Latinx individuals and families.

Leap Year – to support second graders with reading challenges and at-risk graduating high school seniors.

Lilburn Cooperative Ministry, Inc. – to cover the costs of a 5-fold increase in the number of families being served weekly.

liveSAFE Resources, Inc. – to continue providing shelter for the unhoused and a safe environment for its staff and clients. 

Local Initiatives Support Corporation – for a small business grant and loan fund.

Los Niños Primero, Inc. – for emergency financial assistance for immigrant families.

Loving Arms Cancer Outreach (LACO) – to provide emergency financial assistance for patients with cancer.

Lutheran Church of the Redeemer – to provide food and accurate COVID-19 related information to seniors, people experiencing homelessness.

Making A Way Housing – to provide safe and affordable housing for people with compromised immune systems and therefore higher risks  for contracting COVID-19.

Martin Luther King Jr. Center For Nonviolent Social Change Inc. – to support the King Center’s provision of services and information to the African American community.

Mending The Gap Inc – to cover costs of the food delivery service to seniors in Gwinnett county.

Mercy Housing Southeast – for restocking food and supply pantries, deep cleaning of properties, and staff support.

Metamorphasis Powerhouse Company, Inc. – for virtual learning for students, career development services and technology support for older adults.

Metro Atlanta Urban Farm – for work to support farmers in metro Atlanta.

Midtown Assistance Center (MAC) – for emergency financial assistance.

Miles for Cystic Fibrosis – to provide emergency financial assistance for families with a family member who has cystic fibrosis.

Mosaic Georgia – to provide specialized services and support to increasing numbers of victims and survivors of intimate partner violence and abuse.

Motivation Forward Inc. – to cover the costs of modified operations in response to COVID-19.

Multi-Agency Alliance for Children, Inc. – to provide emergency financial assistance for youth and families in foster care. 

My Fellow Man – for emergency financial assistance and food. 

NAACP Atlanta Branch – to cover the costs of providing basic services and accurate information to residents of South Fulton county. 

Neighbor in Need, Inc. – to cover costs of the food delivery service to seniors in East Lake, Kirkwood and Edgewood.

New American Pathways – for emergency financial assistance, language services and case management.

New Life Community Ministries – to provide food boxes to residents of South DeKalb county.

Next Generation Focus, Inc. – to provide access to technology, tutoring and mentoring.

Nobis Works, Inc. DBA Tommy Nobis Center – to provide case management, counseling, educational resources and COVID-19 information.

Noonday Association – to cover costs of the food delivery service to seniors in Cherokee, Cobb and Paulding counties.

Noor Family Services Corporation – for emergency financial assistance, food and transportation.

North Georgia Community Action, Inc. – to provide housing support (rent payments, mortgage assistance and housing subsidies) for the next 90 days.

North Gwinnett Co-Op – to cover increased costs due to increase in food delivery and emergency provisions.

Nothing but the Truth – to cover costs of increased food purchases and distribution to more clients.

The nsoro Educational Foundation, Inc. – to provide wraparound supports for students who came of age in the foster care system.

Odyssey Inc. – for revised virtual summer programming, a tutoring platform and online learning classes.

Odyssey Family Counseling Center – to provide virtual behavioral health and comprehensive mental health counseling for young people, families and people with intellectual and physical disabilities.

One Roof Ecumenical Alliance Outreach – for emergency financial assistance for food and basic needs.

One Talent, Inc. – for virtual programming, food and care packages.

Operation First Response, Inc. – to provide emergency financial assistance to active duty service members, disabled veterans, first responders and their families.

Operation HOPE – to provide emergency financial support and coaching for low-income populations facing job loss, business interruption and loan deferments. 

Our House – to provide emergency shelter and assistance.

Overcomers House Incorporated – to cover costs for modified operations and increased demand for services.

The Place of Forsyth County – for emergency financial assistance.

The Path Project, Inc. – to provide books and laptops for students. 

PEACE Atlanta, Inc. – to provide PPE and cleaning supplies for residents.

Positive Impact Health Centers – to provide for the increasing basic service needs of patients with HIV.

The Posse Foundation – for virtual pre-collegiate training workshops, emergency support and assistance for both pre-college and college scholars.

Premier Academy, Inc. – for essential needs for families and virtual engagement opportunities for children at home.

Prevention Plus Inc. dba The Bridge Academy – to provide tutoring, emotional support, access to technology and food.

Project Community Connections, Inc. – for emergency financial assistance to maintain housing after job losses.

Project South –  to support food distribution and other services for residents of South Atlanta neighborhoods.

Quest Community Development Corporation – for housing and financial services.

Rainbow House, Inc. – for housing food, health care, counseling and educational support services for youth 24 hours/day 7 days/week.

Raising Expectations – for digital learning supports, emergency financial assistance and access to food.

Raksha Inc. – for emergency financial assistance.

re:imagine/ATL – for emergency assistance, workforce training, mentoring, social-emotional supports, and technology equipment for vulnerable youth and their families.

REAL School Gardens (dba Out Teach) – to support online learning resources for students, families and teachers as well as learning kits being sent home to students to support ongoing engagement in learning.

Red Door Food Pantry – to cover costs for increased services to Bartow county residents.

Reflections of Trinity – to cover the costs of a 25% increase in its food distribution in Cobb, Douglas and Paulding counties due to COVID-19.

Refuge Coffee Co. – for business operation costs. 

Refugee Village Corp –  for academic and technology support for students, food, cleaning supplies and COVID-19 information.

RiverLife – to cover costs of its new food delivery services and other services for seniors and people with disabilities. 

Rockdale Coalition for Children & Families – to cover the cost of modified food delivery activities due to COVID-19.

Royal Adult Day Services, Inc. – to cover costs of modified operations due to COVID-19 and to continue support for individuals with dementia and their families.

S.H.A.R.E. House, Inc. – to cover the costs for providing shelter, case management, meals, financial assistance and coordination of community resources for people who are homeless.

SafeHouse Outreach Inc. – to provide meals for people relying on shelters for housing during the crisis.

The Salvation Army of Gainesville – for increases in provision of its core services in the region. 

The Scholarship Academy – for the virtual scholarship center, counseling, emergency aid and technology access.

Scottdale Early Learning – for increased support for families.

Second Helpings Atlanta – to cover modifications in operations and increased service requests.

Serv International – to support food distribution efforts in Canton.

Showcase Group – to provide telehealth and reentry services for incarcerated youth, recently released young people and their families.

Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia, Inc. – to cover the costs of modifying its service provision for people with sickle cell disease throughout the region.

Sisu of Georgia Inc – for telehealth therapy services.

Soldiers’ Angels – to  provide services to vulnerable veterans in the region.

Southeast Gwinnett Cooperative Ministry – to cover costs of uptick in food provisions for new clients who reside in SW Gwinnett county.

SPARK Reproductive Justice Now!, Inc. – to provide accurate medical information, referrals to safe support and treatment resources, and feminine hygiene and personal products for LGBTQIA+ communities of color in metro Atlanta.

Special Needs Respite, Inc. – for respite care for families with children with special needs.

Star-C Programs –  to support efforts to negotiate rent forgiveness and reduction due to the economic impacts of COVID-19.

Street Grace – to provide emergency financial assistance for survivors of child sex trafficking.

The Study Hall, Inc – to cover costs of modified operations due to COVID-19.

Sustainable Norcross Inc. – to cover costs of modified operations due to COVID-19. 

Tahirih Justice Center, Atlanta – to provide emergency financial support to immigrant survivors of gender-based violence.

Tallatoona Community Action Partnership, Inc. – to provide emergency financial assistance.

Tapestri, Inc. – to provide emergency financial assistance to refugee and immigrant survivors of domesic violence and human trafficking.

Teach “O” Rea Preparatory Preschool – for family outreach including home learning materials and food.

Technical College System of Georgia Foundation – for emergency needs and for digital devices to engage in distance learning.

Together Friends Organization Inc. – for a virtual summer experience focused on math and science.

Treasure House, Inc. – to provide emergency financial assistance, childcare, housing support and food assistance to families with children.

Tri_Cities Arts Alliance, Inc. –  to provide emergency financial assistance for artists.

Truancy Intervention Project Georgia, Inc. – for vulnerable students in need of specialized assistance based on school social workers and emergency financial assistance.

Urban League of Greater Atlanta (ULGA) – to provide emergency financial assistance for basic needs, health and housing.

Urban Recipe – to cover costs of its new food delivery services and extended pantry hours.

Usher’s New Look –  for a virtual learning academy and emergency financial assistance.

Visiting Nurse – to cover the costs of increased numbers of appointments (travel costs, PPE, treatment supplies, etc.) for elderly residents of metro Atlanta.

Westside Future Fund – to provide emergency financial assistance, food and basic needs.

Wholesome Wave Georgia – to cover costs of its COVID-19 SNAP outreach for restaurant and hospitality workers.

Will2Way Foundation Inc – to continue providing services to people experiencing homelessness.

Young Life East Atlanta (GA162) – to provide food and financial assistance for 30 new mothers.

Youth Empowerment Success Services – to provide housing and case management support to displaced and homeless youth ages 18 – 24.

Youth Empowerment through Learning, Leading, and Serving, Inc. (YELLS) – to provide emergency financial assistance.

The Fund was announced March 17 with Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta committing $1 million and United Way of Greater Atlanta contributing $500,000 to seed the Fund. As of today, nearly $25 million in commitments have been secured from organizations including the Coca-Cola Company, Robert W. Woodruff Foundation, and the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, each donating $5 million to the Fund in support. Other current funders include the City of Atlanta, The Goizueta Foundation, The Klump Family Foundation and Truist Foundation, contributing $1 million each.