
Brookhaven approves Windsor-Osborne development plan 

The Brookhaven City Council approved a plan to develop the corner of Windsor Parkway and Osborne Road at its Tuesday meeting. 

The Windsor-Osborne Special Area Plan is part of the city’s Comprehensive Master Plan, and offers a development plan for neighborhood-level commercial uses that could work in that area, which sits around Lynwood Park. The city held public comment sessions for the plan in September and October of 2021, and consultants presented a draft of the plan to the Brookhaven Planning Commission at a Dec. 1 meeting. 

The council approved the plan swiftly at its Jan. 25 meeting. The plan builds off of Avellino’s Wood Fire Pizzeria at 1328 Windsor Parkway, and includes space for a couple of new commercial businesses as well as some residential townhomes.  

A spokesperson for the city said there are no formal next steps, but the community development department will use the special area plan for guidance when rezoning and redevelopment applications are submitted to the city. 

“This is the first step in the creation of a great new gathering place that the Lynwood community has wanted for a very long time,” said Councilmember Linley Jones. “This is just one more way to serve the citizens and honor the character and heritage of Lynwood.” 

Residents can view the plan on its website.

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