
AG Chris Carr Announces Launch of Revamped Consumer Website

ttorney General Chris Carr today announced that the office’s Consumer Protection Division has launched a revamped website at

“The improvements we have made to the website will make it easier and quicker for consumers and businesses to find the information they need,” said Attorney General Carr.

The updated website prominently links to online forms for submitting general consumer complaints, Lemon Law complaints and price gouging complaints. In addition, the site features a link where consumers can download Georgia’s “See, Send” app, which will provide the public a new method for reporting price gouging and consumer complaints to the Consumer Protection Division, as well as allowing them to report other suspicious activity they witness to the proper Georgia authorities.

Other features of the updated website include the ability to subscribe to receive the latest consumer protection news, scam alerts and the bi-weekly “Ask Consumer Ed” column; a comprehensive A-Z guide of consumer topics; and a number of downloadable consumer publications, including the Georgia Consumer Protection Guide for Older Adults, a Military Consumer Protection Guide and resources, and a Cybersecurityguide for small businesses, non-profit organizations and places of worship.


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