
Sterling Seacrest Pritchard, Truist, and BoardWalk Consulting Present the 11th Annual Non-Profit Leadership Conference

Nonprofit leaders from across the southeast recently attended the 11th Annual Nonprofit Leadership Conference presented by Sterling Seacrest Pritchard, Truist, and BoardWalk Consulting. Since its inception in 2011, the Nonprofit Leadership Conference has provided an opportunity for the nonprofit community to enhance leadership dialogue and provide a platform for growth and education through nationally recognized speakers and panelists.  

The conference was held Wednesday, October 19th at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. This year’s event was hosted by Adriana Lawton, Vice President and Relationship Manager of the Not-for-Profit & Government banking team at Truist; Kathy Bremer, Managing Director of BoardWalk Consulting; and Dave Mathews, Partner with Sterling Seacrest Pritchard. 

“Since its inception, our goal for this conference has been to provide nonprofit leaders with an opportunity to share ideas and best practices with their peers,” says Dave Mathews, Partner with Sterling Seacrest Pritchard and event Co-Founder. “We are honored to have such an outstanding list of speakers and panelists in addition to a group of attendees who are driven and passionate about their industry.” 

An audience of 182 industry leaders heard from keynote speaker Trista Harris, a philanthropic futurist and nationally recognized author. Trista has been featured by the Chronicle of Philanthropy, Forbes, CNN, the New York Times, and numerous social sector blogs. She is the author of FutureGood, a book focused on “how to use futurism to save the world.” 

Attendees also heard from two CEO panels which consisted of industry experts and addressed various topics related to the industry. The first panel was moderated by Hala Moddelmog, President & CEO of the Woodruff Art Center and spotlighted nonprofits that were able to pivot and grow stronger during the pandemic. Panelists included James “Jay” Bailey, President & CEO of Russell Innovation Center for Entrepreneurs; Kathy Colberson, President & CEO of CHRIS 180; and Raphael Holloway, CEO of the Gateway Center. 

The second panel focused on how nonprofits are addressing wages, retention, pay equity, and other employee issues while keeping an eye on the bottom line. It was moderated by Mary Pat Matheson, CEO of the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, and included panelists Blythe Robinson, CEO of Sheltering Arms, Emily Acker, President & CEO of Hillside; and Dr. Brian Davis, Ph.D., CEO of the Georgia Aquarium. 

“Year after year, attendees tell us this is the best conference for taking concrete ideas back to their nonprofit for discussion and implementation,” adds Mathews. “We work hard each year to continually provide informative, diverse speakers that can share C-suite ideas and strategies for other nonprofits to adapt and implement.” 

For additional information regarding the Nonprofit Leadership Conference, go to