
2022 Predictions: Bob Fiscella, Dunwoody Homeowners Association

Editor’s Note: 2022 certainly promises to be another news-filled year, from a continued fight against COVID-19 to a debate over whether Buckhead should break off from Atlanta. Reporter Newspapers surveyed local leaders to hear what they think will be the biggest issues in the next 12 months. See all the predictions here.

Bob Fiscella, President, Dunwoody Homeowners Association 

Looking into my crystal ball, the biggest issue facing Dunwoody in 2022 will continue to be the DeKalb County School District and how it deals with overcrowding and failing infrastructure at virtually all of its facilities within the borders of the city.

The DHA as well as city officials and stakeholders in Dunwoody need to keep the pressure on DCSD to address these issues, because, as we’ve all learned, where the school district is concerned, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. 

Dunwoody needs to continue to press for the construction of the proposed new elementary school near the intersection of Chamblee Dunwoody Rd. and Shallowford Rd. Is it the perfect location for a new school? Perhaps not, but it is necessary. 

It is also necessary to eliminate the overcrowded situation at the high school, and unfortunately adding onto the current facility is not the answer.  An addition simply does not address some of the major issues including lack of athletic facilities and parking. 

Traffic will only get worse in Dunwoody in 2022 as new construction, mostly on the commercial side, dumps more and more vehicles onto our roads with no new infrastructure in sight.

The good news for Dunwoody homeowners is home prices will continue to rise. As a realtor, I feel confident inventory will remain low keeping demand high. Of course, until you sell your home, the only thing rising prices does is increase your tax bill.  

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