
Sandy Springs puts Burnett on TSPLOST oversight committee

Chris Burnett served in his last meeting on Sandy Springs City Council on Dec. 21, but Mayor Rusty Paul already has called on him to serve the city as its representative on the Fulton County Citizen Oversight Council for TSPLOST 2022-2027.

The position requires someone with a financial background and knowledge of the program to ask the right kind of questions, Paul said.

Chris Burnett

“Are they utilizing the funds as they were promised? Are they keeping the projects on schedule? Because you’ve got five years to collect the revenue and seven years to get the projects underway,” he said.

Voters in  Sandy Springs and 12 other  Fulton County cities – excluding Atlanta, which has its own transportation sales tax – approved five additional years of TSPLOST to fund projects including widening of Hammond Road and several intersection improvement projects.

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