Editor’s Note: 2022 certainly promises to be another news-filled year, from a continued fight against COVID-19 to a debate over whether Buckhead should break off from Atlanta. Reporter Newspapers surveyed local leaders to hear what they think will be the biggest issues in the next 12 months.
Stephanie Freeman, President and CEO, Dunwoody Perimeter Chamber
Great opportunities are coming for Dunwoody and our entire region. Companies will continue to manage return to work guidelines, offer stay-at-home options and navigate any government mandates. If businesses require employees to be in office, the amount of traffic will increase, which will add more stress to already challenged retailers and restaurants who are confronted with issues while recruiting and retaining employees.
Continued adaptation to curbside pickup and delivery options as well as combating the loss of revenue due to delivery apps that reduce profit margins added to supply chain shortages may also cause continued stress to many businesses.
The real estate bubble may cause increased property taxes associated with inflated values, and there may be a long-term impact on commercial real estate due to remote working environments.
The redevelopment of Dunwoody Village into a destination-for-all spot is an exciting and much anticipated project, one that will come with its own set of challenges as development gets underway.
Let’s not forget the ongoing safety concerns many of our communities are faced with. While some persons may feel comfortable going back to life as they once knew it, others are cautious and do not wish to attend/be in person. Vaccination status aside, navigating this reality with grace and understanding will be one of the most important issues all businesses face in 2022.
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