
Sandy Springs trades free film festival parking for ad opportunities

Attendees of the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival will enjoy free parking for films at the Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center in February 2022 through an agreement with the city’s Public Facilities Authority (PFA).

Sandy Springs will get in-kind benefits including advertising space in the film festival’s program guide, Shaun Albrechtson, executive director of the city’s Arts Center, told City Council on Dec. 7. Other advertising and promotional opportunities to reach event patrons also are part of the agreement.

“We’re throwing around the word complimentary. It is to the festival goer. But let’s be very clear that there’s a quid pro quo here, as the mayor kind of said, there’s an exchange, which I’m really happy with, frankly,” Councilmember Andy Bauman said.

The city doesn’t need tickets to the festival as a cross-promotional activity. But it does need the ability to promote events at the Performing Arts Center, he said.

“They have a large patron group, which should overlap with our programming,” Bauman said.

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