The city of Dunwoody will hold its annual Veterans Day ceremony on Nov. 11, according to a press release.
The ceremony will take place at the Brook Run Park Veterans’ Memorial at 4770 N. Peachtree Road and will start at 10 a.m. Major Andrew W. Radloff of the United States Air Force, and also the son of Dunwoody residents Capt. and Mrs. Wayne Radloff, will be the keynote speaker. Rev. Kathy Brockman, associate pastor of Dunwoody United Methodist Church, will give the invocation.
“This is an important way to show our gratitude to those who have fought and served,” said Dunwoody Mayor Lynn Deutsch in the press release. “We admire their commitment to defend our country and protect our freedoms. We also want to express our thanks to their families for their sacrifices.”
Dunwoody students will also play a part in the ceremony, according to the press release. The Dunwoody High School Air Force JROTC will present the colors and the high school’s chorus will perform songs called “High Flight” and “A Tribute to the Armed Services.”
The ceremony will take place rain or shine, according to the press release.
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