Funded by the Digital Library of Georgia’s competitive digitization subgrant program, a compelling collection of records representing the history of this Methodist church community and its role in shaping the city of Suwanee from the 1880s through the 1950s.
These records include vital statistics (marriages, infant baptisms, and dates of death) before the state of Georgia began retaining such information in 1919.
You can view the collection here:
As early as 1873, regular church services were held in a schoolhouse. The church was formally established in 1876 and organized by 34 charter members. Early church records include local names recognized on Suwanee’s streets and parks such as Brogdon and Pierce.
Members represented in church records such as Harris, Baxter, Rhodes, and Born were integral community members who devoted themselves to service. They built their homes and raised their families in close proximity to the church, and celebrated important life events amongst fellow church members, such as baptisms, marriages, and deaths.
“I grew up and now live close to the church, becoming a member in 1977, along with my wife and two sons,” said James M. Burnette, Jr., mayor of Suwanee. “The church has a rich history in the community, and its historic records document marriages, baptisms, deaths, conference records, Sunday school records, United Methodist Women’s meetings, and other pertinent church events and data.”
The availability of these records in the DLG is important to those researching United Methodist Church history, the history of Suwanee and its early settlers, or are seeking vital documents prior to 1919, when Georgia started recording them, or other aspects of Suwanee local history.