The study found Army families were 131% more likely to use a food bank than Air Force families. Lower-ranking servicemembers were more likely to use food distribution resources than higher-ranking individuals. And Asian, Black and multiracial families were about 50% more likely to use food distribution services than white families.
“If we look at the American population in general, about half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck,” said Catherine O’Neal, lead author of the study and an assistant professor in UGA’s College of Family and Consumer Sciences. “So it’s not really all that surprising that what we’re seeing with the military reflects the broader population.”
More families may need food assistance than are getting it
The present study highlights a disconnect between the likely number of people who need help feeding their families and those actually receiving much-needed assistance.
“Stigma is a common suspect for why people don’t utilize the resources available to military families,” said O’Neal. “There’s this idea that they will be perceived as somehow less than or not capable.”
“Alleviating the stigma connected to using food resources and making sure people are connected to their communities and know what resources are available to them are key to helping solve this problem.”
Two-income families were 27% less likely to use a food bank than single-earner households, according to the study.
But it’s difficult to hold down a job when your family moves every couple of years. And moving so frequently gets expensive.
While military families receive a base allowance for housing, some find it isn’t always enough to cover finding a place to live in more expensive cities with a saturated housing market.
The COVID-19 pandemic created additional financial stressors for many families, both military and civilian, as did inflation.
“Military families are first and foremost families,” O’Neal said. “No one is immune to the potential of financial stress. Any efforts to address food insecurity will have to be a multi-pronged initiative that address the many contributing factors.
“As one part of that effort, military financial literacy efforts are underway to help military families understand how to maximize their pay and get the most out of their money.”
Published by Public Health Nutrition, the study relied on data from the National Military Family Association, a nonprofit advocacy group dedicated to improving the lives of U.S. military families.